Say goodbye to acne, pigmentation and scarring
What is acne?
Acne can be described as one of the most common skin conditions. Most of us face this skin condition sometime in our lives. Acne occurs when the pores of our skin clogs. These pore blockages result in whiteheads, blackheads, and other pimple types. These pimples are pus-filled bumps on our skin that are sometimes painful. Acne is also called acne vulgaris.
Acne Types
Acne can be of several types, including:
Cystic acne: These are deep, pus-filled nodules and pimples. Cystic acne may leave scars.
Fungal acne: This is yeast build-up in our hair follicles. These are itchy and cause inflammation.
Hormonal acne: As the name suggests, this affects adults with sebum overproduction, clogging their pores.
Nodular acne: It is an acute form that results in pimples all over the skin. Tender and nodular lumps are found under the skin.
Acne can have a severe effect on self-esteem. Both nodular and cystic acne can result in scarring and permanent damage to the skin. In the case of severe acne, the best strategy is to consult with your healthcare provider and get a treatment option that is best for you.
Acne Treatment done using Chemical Peel by
Dr. Sonal Jain, above results are after 1 session
Acne Triggers
There are certain things in our environment that can trigger acne or even make it worse, including:
• Wearing tight-fitting headgear and clothing, like sports helmets and hats
• Air pollution or humid weather conditions
• Using greasy or oily products on the skin
• Working conditions like working in hotels with grease and oil
• Undue stress
• Medication side-effects
• Picking your acne
Acne Severity
Dermatologists rank four types of acne severity:
• Grade 1: This is mild acne with mostly blackheads and whiteheads, and few pustules and papules.
• Grade 2: These are moderate acne with multiple pustules and papules, mostly on the face.
• Grade 3: These are nodulocystic or moderately severe acne and are comprised of many pustules and papules with sometimes inflamed nodules. It can also affect our chest and back.
• Grade 4: These are severe acne consisting of many large, inflamed, and painful nodules and pustules.
Acne Treatment
There are many ways in which acne is treated. These treatments depend on age, acne type, and severity. Your healthcare provider can recommend oral medications, topical medicines, or even acne therapies for treatment. Acne treatment stops the formation of new pimples and heals existing skin blemishes.
Acne Therapies
In case oral or topical medications do not provide any results, healthcare providers can suggest different acne therapies for clearing the skin. These can be:
• Steroids: Healthcare providers can also suggest steroid injections for reducing inflammation
• Laser therapy: One of the most recent and advanced acne treatment methods is laser treatment or light therapy. The therapy uses a laser to deliver heat into the scarred area and create healthy, new collagen. This encourages new skin growth and acne is treated.
• Chemical peels: In this treatment special chemicals are used for removing the skin’s top layer. New skin appears which is smoother, clearer, and scar-free.
How to prevent acne?
• Washing skin twice daily
• Using gentle cleansers
• Washing skin after exercise or excessive sweating
• Avoiding skincare products with astringents, tones, alcohol, or exfoliants
• Always remove makeup before sleep
• Using oil-free moisturizers and sunscreen
• Never pop, pick, or squeeze your acne
Visit your dermatologist if your acne is not going with an at-home skin routine or remedies.